Dilwyn Jones wrote:

Hello Christopher,

Many thanks for offering, I'll send a few along when I manage to pick
out the ones most wanted. Can you please privately send me the postal
address to which you'd liek them to be sent.

(Thanks also to Phoebus and Alex for their offers, your turn may

Am still amazed at the microdrives, all but three have now fully
copied, of those another one gives just 2 bad sectors with format
ram1_mdv1 and the other two just spin forever (now THAT brings back
memories from 1984!)

I know this is going to be a stupid question...have you tried the eternal spinners in the other drive: I brought BJ in 3D land may years ago and it read fine in MDV1_, but in MDV2_ it just eternally spun (whereupon I hit reset and spiked the tape as opposed to doing the sensible thing of pulling it out).

Just to be masochistic, I copied the old version 1 Psion Quill,
Abacus, Archive, Easel set and tried running them. They did run OK on
the 128K QL (well, "run OK" is perhaps stretching it a bit for those
old V1 programs!). If anyone wants copies for posterity...surely not!

Why not...just to add to my collection [of old 'puters]. Put them on your web site?

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