Marcel Kilgus makes some magical things to make me read
} Jerome Grimbert wrote:
} > I have just found out that blob and mask when used in an information windows
} > (How silly, it would be simpler to use a sprite instead!), seems to
} > have their origin at the screen origin, not the window origin...
} > (whereas sprite are just ok...)
} > Is-that the normal behaviour ?
} I don't think so. Do you have any example at hand? 

Not right at hand, but somewhere on my Q40, yes!
I should make a downloadable zip file of it soon, so more people 
could try to find out what's wrong (Maybe it's my code!-)

} And another thing,
} do you have some example sprites for the various modes? Or even
} something like your spritetest application perhaps?

Yes. it's a 33 kbytes zip (including exe and C source).
I assert that posting such binary to the list would not be relevant,
(It expects HUGE 16 bits cache and support of the numerous sprite modes)
So, Marcel, if you want it, just send me your email address.

Also, spritetest should work fine too anyway!

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