Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> clr.w d0 ;position in linkage to set

Should be clr.w d1 of course. Though I think it doesn't really matter.

> clr.w d2 ;no bytes to be set (read only)
> moveq.w #-1,d3 ;infinite timeout
> ;find channel ID for window number passed and put in a0
> clr.l a1 ;pointer to data to set, in this case none as it's read only
> move.w #$6f,d0   ;iop.slnk ($6f=dec.111)

I suggest to *always* use symbolic names instead of direct numbers.
Especially with things like the PTR2 offset and flag later on.
In this case one would include the following files for example:
         include 'dev8_keys_qdos_io'
         include 'dev8_keys_con'

The command can then be written as
    moveq   #iop.slnk,d0
> trap #3
> tst.w d0 ;any error such as channel not open

Error returns are long. Though it doesn't make much difference in
practice, it'd be cleaner to use "tst.l d0".
> move.w #$128,d7 ;offset $128 in PE linkage block
> move.l 0(a1,d7.w),d6

Those two lines are equivalent to
     move.l   pt_ident(a1),d6    ; Flag that identifies GD2

Again, by using symbolic names the code gets much clearer. And
regarding the comment, the code already shows that something at
position $128 is taken out of the PE block. A comment should not
repeat what the code does, it should be one level higher and say /why/
the code does what it does.

Sorry for being so teacher like, but years of formal computer science
training do leave their traces ;-)

> This is completely off the top of my head with no testing, no real
> knowledge of what i'm doing, but filled with hope someone will read
> this and either complete it into something workable or at least tell
> me what i'm doing wrong!

You asked for it, you got my comments ;-)

It might be a good programing example to see how a clean, SMSQ/E
programing style conform implementation of all this could look like:


; Example basic extension V1.00                                 © 2003 me

        section example

        include 'dev8_keys_qdos_io'
        include 'dev8_keys_con'
        include 'dev8_keys_qlv'
        include 'dev8_keys_err'
        include 'dev8_mac_proc'

        xref    ut_chan1
        xref    ut_rtint

; Initialise SBASIC procedures
        lea     ex_procs,a1             ; example procedures
        move.w  sb.inipr,a2
        jmp     (a2)

        proc_end                        ; empty, no procedures, only functions
        proc_ref PTR_ENV
        proc_ref GD2

; x = PTR_ENV (#ch)
; Returns 1 if the pointer environment is installed. Parameter Ch is
; optional.
        jsr     ut_chan1                ; get a channel id
        bne.s   ex_rts
        cmpa.l  a3,a5                   ; any more parameters?
        bne.s   ex_ipar                 ; yes, that's bad

        moveq   #-1,d3
        moveq   #iop.pinf,d0            ; test for PE
        trap    #3

        moveq   #1,d1                   ; default to "PE installed"
        tst.l   d0                      ; 0 = PE installed
        beq.s   ptr_ret
        moveq   #0,d1                   ; no PE, return 0
        jmp     ut_rtint                ; return integer in D1

; x = GD2 (#ch)
; Returns 1 if the GD2 environment is available. Parameter Ch is
; optional.
        jsr     ut_chan1                ; get a channel id
        bne.s   ex_rts
        cmpa.l  a3,a5                   ; any more parameters?
        bne.s   ex_ipar                 ; yes, that's bad

        clr.w   d1                      ; don't set anything, only get
        clr.w   d2                      ;   address of PE linkage block
        moveq   #-1,d3
        moveq   #iop.slnk,d0
        trap    #3
        tst.l   d0
        bne.s   ex_rts

        moveq   #1,d1                   ; default to "GD2 available"
        move.l  pt_ident(a1),d0
        cmp.l   #pt.ident,d0            ; flag for GD2
        beq.s   gd2_ret
        moveq   #0,d1                   ; no GD2 available
        jmp     ut_rtint

        moveq   #err.ipar,d0



program win2_example_cde

section example
section utils

input   win2_example_rel
library dev8_sbsext_utq_lib

Please note that the current sbsext_ut_lib of the SMSQ/E sources are
*NOT* QDOS compatible anymore. Gave me some big headache when building
Qpac2. That's why I created sbsext_utq_lib, which replaces only the
problematic functions with ones that again run on all systems.

Will send the sources to Wolfgang to have it delivered with the
official distribution.


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