Marcel Kilgus wrote:
> Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> > These new functions, written with much appreciated advice from
> > Kilgus,
> Glad you didn't mind me "lecturing" ;-)
Lecturing? I wouldn't exactly call that very helpful email being

> Nice one regarding programming style: I have just spent several
> tracing through the SBasic compiler to find a bug that caused SBasic
> to crash. The program causing the crash used PROCedures with up to
> (sic! three hundred fifty eight!) parameters. This was too much for
> poor subq.b within the compiler's second stage. A shiny new subq.w
> now handle even that one...
Hmmm, even Launchpad doesn't quite manage 358 parameters. Don't think
that's one I'll be complaining about. Liked Phoebus's reply about
trying to emulate Winwoes XP though!

Dilwyn Jones

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