On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 23:42:12 +0100, thegilpins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have noticed the comments regarding a QUANTA 2000 type event but all the
contributions are coming from the expected sources. (Thanks Dilwyn J, Darren
B, Geoff W and John T). What about the rest of you? come on. Put your ten
penn'orth in. (Should that be "Dimesworth" in USA or "Centsworth" in
Europe?) Let's here from you ALL.

I don't know about the rest of NASQLUG, but I would for one would like it to be an international event,on a good timeframe for international visitors to attend. Moreover, I think some computer press could be called in just to show the world we are still around and also retrocomputing journalists and user groups.

Phoebus Dokos - Undergrad in MIS
Eberly College of Business - Indiana U. of PA

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