Την Thu, 7 Aug 2003 23:40:44 +0100,ο(η) Roy wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> έγραψε/wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marcel Kilgus <ql- [EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Thierry Godefroy wrote:
The system I try to run it on is built around:
- Super GodlCard ROM v2.49
- Aurora graphic/IO card with Minerva v1.92 & SuperHermes v1.05
- Qubide v1.56
- ROMdisq v2.14

Try unplugging the Qubide or at least the hard drive. We currently suspect that the Qubide ROM is the problem.
Actually I have tested the standard (non high-colour) version on all manner of QLs here and none of them work - even a bog standard JS ROM with a Gold Card won't work. I was in communication with Wolfgang about this. That is the reason I have not sent any v3 Gold Card SMSQ/Es out.

I am not using Wolfgang's version as it did not work last time. In any case I am only interested in the GD2 version for sale not the non GD2. Ask Marcel to send over his 3.0 version (or even better to build a 3.01 and *finally* release it too ;-)))) that works great. I am running Q-Word there in GD2 colour-glory as we speak


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