On Fri, 8 Aug 2003 at 14:48:53, ZN wrote: (ref: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

On 8/8/2003 at 2:55 PM Phoebus R. Dokos wrote:

I have an ISA NE2000plus3 pcb marked Microdyne 1996
.... but no jumpers.
It uses AT/LANTIC DP83905AVQB chip.

Btw: Theoretically the 15D connector is the Ethernet connector and the "Ethernet connector" (BNC) is called "Cheapernet" (later on 10Base2)

The D15 is also called AUI. Both 10BaseT and 10Base2, as well as other attachments standards can be derived from it, for instance fiber optic. With 100Mbit ethernet, it became deprecated in favour of twisted pair, i.e. the MAU (Media Attachment Unit, converts 'Ethernet' to a given media, copper, fiber, wireless) is now integrated into the chips themselves. The AT/Lantic only has an integrated 10BaseT, the 10Base2 is actually an extra chip with some passive components driven a small DC-DC converter.

The AT/Lantic chip has, I believe, a non-PNP mode as well, it is activated
by putting pull-up (or was it pull down?) resistors onto certain pins of
the chip - these pins normally drive the buffer RAM and the Boot ROM data
and address lines - if there is a Boot ROM socket, it should be possible to
disable PnP quite easily by soldering resistors onto the socket.
There is a boot prom socket.
It is very probable that the card actually has spaces for surface mount
resistors in the required places.
Not on mine. There are direct links with resistor pads, clearly designed to be cut, but are all signal lines:
SMWR, SMRD 119, 120
IOWR,IORD 117, 118

All strobe lines (low mem and I/O)
and 'channel ready (123)

I can't see any mention of 'pnp' in the datasheet.

Ah there is a jumper - 'jp1' marked 'default' to p39 EECONFIG - load from EEPROM.

National Semi still has data for the DP83905 on their web site, and IIRC
also a reference design, most of the cards using this chip are almost
complete copies of the reference design!
When I originally thought of designing an ethernet IF for the QL, I wanted
to use this chip. As a matter of fact, the design evolved right to the end,
it was just never made - I even have a PCB designed for it, it's a 2-layer
job about the size of the Qubide, with no through-connector.

-- QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255 tony@<surname>.co.uk http://www.firshman.co.uk Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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