> Love the Rogues Gallery!!

> That picture you got of Urs Konig was taken by me - its outside the
> House in Washington DC,  during the QL show visit last year.
I cropped offf the white house in the background, by the time I'd
shrunk it all down to the size on that page, you couldn't make out who
Urs was!

Had I beeen able to show the White House I'd have made up a caption of
something like Cowo Executor at white house (remember that ExeQTor QL
he built a few years ago?) or "First it was Austrian Arnie trying for
USA high office, now it's Swiss Urs!"

In fact...I feel a revision coming on...

> Steve Reyal
> myself and Urs spent the day sightseeing together after the show.
Steve and
> I went on to New York, and Urs went up to Niagra Falls I think.... I
Yes, he has loads of Niagra falls pictures on his website.

> taking the picture as is was taken using Urs Digital camera, which
> quite unique in that it took 3.5" floppies - yes, floppies in the
:-( Floppies in a camera??? Must be Swiss or something :-)
Seriously, 1.4MB and the weight of a disk drive :-(

> BTW, I dare you to put up the one of me with the sheep on my
> shoulder.................!!!!   :-)))
I'll see if I can find it.

Have you got one of Steve Reyal? I have one at the Manchester show,
but he's on the edge of a picture of someone else and it's too dark
really. Could do with a "this is the guy who did the QL DVD" one.

My pigging scanner's been playing up. It was making a horrendous noize
and seizing up. Eventually opened up the case (boy that was fun!!!
talk about kiddie proof, scanner cases are nuclear bomb proof!) and
found that the runners were so dry it couldn't run and had broken a
tooth on a plastic cog. So I smeared the runners with vaseline, forced
it up and down the tracks by hand a few times to lubricate and it
seems to work now for about 3/4 of a page until it gets to the broken
tooth, OK for photos and part page scans. Save my Launchpad pennies
for a new scanner, or wait until Tarquin gets his running and buy one
of those.

Dilwyn Jones

  • ... merlinch
    • ... Darren . Branagh
      • ... Dilwyn Jones
        • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
            • ... P Witte
              • ... Jeremy Taffel
              • ... Franc,ois Van Emelen
              • ... Roy wood
              • ... Ian L. Pine
              • ... Tarquin Mills
    • ... Darren . Branagh

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