> Well this whole thing to me looks like a halfhouse between an IF -
> clause (more readable at that) and a SELect ON - END SELect clause.
> what I have read, WHEN allows for any kind of data type.
Seems to allow many of the tests you can put into an IF statement.

If I've understood it properly, it's not an inline program structure -
it seems, like WHEN ERROR, to be something activated when a given
condition occurss irrespective of where the program is at the time.
I'm not sure how the interpreter handles this, it's almost as thought
it starts a job to monitor variables which sends a signal to suspend
what's happening and jump to the relevant WHEN variable or WHEN
condition statement, unless perhaps between statements there is a call
to check for any WHEN clauses and divert the program between
statements accordingly.

Just noticed the QLiberator manual and readme files provide a bit of
insight into this as well:

"Under the interpreter, a watched variable cannot trigger a WHEN
clause as the result of an assignment through a READ or INPUT
operation." Behaviour is replicated in QLiberator for the sake of
compatibility. To work around this, use a LET statement to assign a
variable to itself! SO while my example of INPUT a would not trigger
the WHEN clause example I gave, INPUT a:LET a=a should do so.

WHEN a<0
PRINT"Don't enter negative numbers!"
INPUT"Enter a number";a
LET a = a : REMark force WHEN to take note!
REMark resumes here after END WHEN

QLiberator seems to handle WHEN variable, but I don't know if Turbo
does: perhaps George Gwilt will let us know about this.

I haven't looked yet, but I suspect the Rich Mellor SuperBASIC
Reference Guide might have insights on this. I can't find any
reference to it in Jan Jnoes's book, though. Might be worth writing
this up for QL Toady and my QL Documentation CD if I can get some
definitive documentation.

Dilwyn Jones

          • ... Dilwyn Jones
  • ... Marcel Kilgus
    • ... Dilwyn Jones
      • ... Marcel Kilgus
        • ... James Hunkins
          • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
            • ... James Hunkins
      • ... TonyTebby
        • ... Dilwyn Jones
          • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
            • ... Dilwyn Jones
              • ... Marcel Kilgus
              • ... Dilwyn Jones
              • ... Tony Firshman
        • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
        • ... P Witte
          • ... Wolfgang Lenerz

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