> I got the same text - BT (the phone company) and Tesco (his ISP) are
> pointing fingers at each other. In the meantime, Dilwyn has no phone
at all
> - either for voice calls or email/internet.
> Seems to think it will be some days before it is resolved.
In fact, there were quite a few coincidental factors involved, but it
was partly down to changed BT settings on my phone line and an error
by Tesco.net's helpline staff in updating my details.

Suffice to say I was somewhat less than happy with both companies,
especially after the time spent on Tesco's £0.50 per minute helpline
and finding it was mostly due to their error. Once the BT end of the
problem was found, BT fixed it quickly fair play (under one hour).

Thanks Darren and Jochen, life has proved difficult without telephone
and email! And after this morning's conversation with a very helpful
member of Tesco's helpline staff I am more aware of the problems they
face in manning (personning?) such helplines.

Dilwyn Jones

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