In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Gilham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Unfortunatly kernel version 2.4.18 is my kernel version. I have tried the version 2.4.21 with similar effects

alas it seems the cdrw drive I purchased  as well was not compatible with
my system and caused problems
when put in the ide0 hdb slot initialy after trying to access under SMSQE
using QCDEXE , temporily 'cured'
by powerdowning the computer then switching it back on, but now it
seems to have failed  .I think I connected
the  drives properly but I am no so sure,It may my io card is faulty , but
possibly the drive I bought might
be the problem.  

FWIW I think I have a hardware problem, but recompiling the 2.4.21 kernel
with the appropriate patches and may slight changes to the configuration
might be a good idea. I will also may check if putting the new hardrive in
slave on the ide0 works and may be clone my system and replace the
smaller drive with it. 
David Gilham 

I do not own a Q60 ... yet you need to adopt a logical approach to tracing any potential fault.

You seem to have essentially three factors - the OS, an IO Card, and a CDRW drive.

You need to prove each one separately.
So get the OS fully up to date and run it without the new CDRW.
( Presumably the Q60 already had a CD-ROM installed ).
When the OS is functional, move on to the hardware.

If there was a CD-ROM then simply replace with the CDRW, install its software if you can on the OS ( although I assume the supplied software will be for PC, MAC, etc ).

If you are connected to the Primary IDE port then the CDRW will be set to be 'slave', with the main hard drive as 'master'. This will be the default setting anyway.

If you are going via a newly installed IO Card, then you will need to check that it is OK in another 'known to work system'.

It is unlikely that the CDRW will be faulty. Yet, again prove this in a known system.

It is unlikely that the IO Card would be faulty. Yet, again, check elsewhere.

In the Q60 ensure that you have power and ground lines correctly orientated to the devices. On some devices they only fit one way, on others it is open. Also it is easy to twist a cable the 'wrong' orientation when fixing in place.

Use connecting cables that are known to be OK. You can test these with a meter for continuity if you have one available.

Logically, step by step, you should be able to eliminate the problems.

Good luck !

On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 11:39 , Fabrizio Diversi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

Hello David, I had the same problem having the same configuration on the qx0. You can solve it easily upgrading the kernel to the latest one 2.4.18 or Better the 2.4.21. You can find the kernel on Richard or Therry web. I am not sure about the cause, i think is due to not to the kernel version but to the kernel configuration about sharing interrupt parameter. Obviously you can also try to recompile the kernel version you have now. Let me know, i will try to help you if possible. Are you using Shoestring, the last q60 linux distribution ?


-- Malcolm Cadman

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