On 29 Feb 2004 at 7:59, Christopher Cave wrote:

> At the last London show, I picked up a disk from Roy Wood which 
> enabled me to have nice 3-d borders to buttons etc. Over the 
> last few days, I have been getting to grip with using the new 
> wman colours in my latest program(in C68). All is well except 
> that the nice new borders to loose items are replaced with plain 
> black when the cursor has moved over one of the application 
> windows (and so activated the appropriate hit routine - which 
> includes a call wm_swapp). The borders can be reinstated by 
> calling wm_ldraw(wwk,-1) - redraw all loose items in window. 
> This produces a nasty flicker and is clearly overkill.
> Please how do I avoid/correct this problem?

Could you please be more specific as to what machine/version of smsq/e you're running 
this on?

Using wm.swapp shoud not really affect any of the border calls!

Could you isaolte the problem & let me have a copy of the program?

What is the colour of the main window paper?


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