I was thinking on the subject of what next for the QL.  I think we really need 
something that acts like a web browser.  This means the display of text and graphics 
in the same viewer.  There was an attempt a few years back at writing a web 
browser for the QL (from Italy I think), but it really went no where.

It does not have to support HTML, but something that we can create a way of 
browing a bunch of information on a CD.  If it could support HTML would be nice 
and make creating information for the viewer easier (and portable), but even a pure 
QL only viewer would be nice.  

It should support gif, jpg, and QL formats (pic, sav, scr, etc).  Multiple size fonts 
not 100% necessary.  I've prefer that it run under the PE and not Prowess (just my 
personal preference).  But if it had to run under Prowess, we could work in getting 
more people running Prowess (it's not the simplest thing to run).

Anyhow, that's my choice.

Tim Swenson

  • ... RWAPSoftware
    • ... SMSQ - Jochen Merz
      • ... Jérôme Grimbert
        • ... SMSQ - Jochen Merz
        • ... Tarquin Mills
          • ... Jérôme Grimbert
            • ... Tarquin Mills
              • ... SMSQ - Jochen Merz
            • ... Tarquin Mills
              • ... gwicks
                • ... swensont
                • ... Arnould Nazarian
                • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
                • ... gwicks
                • ... Jeremy Taffel
                • ... gwicks
                • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
                • ... Wolfgang Uhlig
                • ... Lau
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