Since QlandkarteGT fails to export geotif to jnx for me (see previous
mail) I made the steps QlandkarteGT said it takes by hand:

# extract the area from the files...
/usr/bin/gdal_translate -co BIGTIFF=yes -co tiled=yes -co
compress=DEFLATE -srcwin 0 0 37752 83348 source.tif qlgt_1.tif 
# reduce colorbands to 3 (RGB)... 
/usr/bin/gdal_translate -co BIGTIFF=yes -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -co tiled=yes
-co compress=jpeg -co jpeg_quality=100 qlgt_1.tif qlgt_2.tif 
# reproject files... 
/usr/bin/gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -ts 992 991 -r cubic -co tiled=yes
-co compress=jpeg -co jpeg_quality=100 qlgt_2.tif qlgt_3.tif

up to here everything is fine, but when I run:

# creating Garmin JNX map... 
/usr/bin/map2jnx -q 75 -s 411 -p 0 -m foo -n bar -c  -z 50 qlgt_3.tif

I get the error:
****** map2jnx, Version 1.7.0 ******
ERROR 4: `50' does not exist in the file system,
and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.

Obviously this message refers to "-z 50" - but I copied the command as
it is from the QlandkarteGT output.

Since map2jnx has neither a manpage nor a --help or -h output I have to
ask here how to get it working.


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