
Can some one throw some light on the arguments of qmail-local? As far as I understand:

user: username, if the address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] the user is me.

homedir: place where the mail is to be delivered. A Mairdir must exist in that place. Will it work if I want to deliver mail to a sub folder inside maildir, for example to INBOX.Junk?

local: me in this case? what is the difference between user and local?

dash,ext: Can you please fill in?

domain: mydomain.com

sender: sender address

defaultdelivery: taken from LDAP for that user.

If any one has some live examples of this it will be great. I am trying to get Dspam support into qmail-ldap so that spam mails are routed to Junk folder. My idea is to have another program sit in between qmail-lspawn and qmail-local which will check with DSpam and change the homedir to INBOX.Junk for spam mails.

Also how is the mail is fed to qmail-local? The man page says standard input for qmail-local must be a seekable file. I guess if I pipe the mail using cat to qmail-local it is not seekable.

Thanks for your time.


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