RELAYCLIENT is set per connection. If your webmail can do authenticated
smtp you can use that. SquirrelMail can use authenticated smtp. You only
lose in performance, because you will have to use smtp instead

If you use vlogin plugin, you can specify different outgoing settings per
user basis. People that are not allowed to send email to outside
recipients, can be forced to use smtp server, that does not allow

You have one email program and one smtp server. You control both. Just
think and find the way to set different settings per user.

> My case is worse than that. I use only webmail for users
> to see and send email, so my SMTP server receives SMTP
> send requests from one only IP address.
> --
> Bye,
> Fernando Maciel Souto Maior
> +55+31 3270-5886
> LPIC/1 # 31908
>> Tomas Kuliavas wrote:
>>>>>How can I configure qmail-ldap in a way that some
>>>>>users can send mail to the internet and other
>>>>>users not? The users with no access should receive
>>>>>a generic bounce message.
>>>>>Any clues?
>>>>I don't think this is possible. However, I'd really like to do this as
>>>>well. If you ever figure this out, please share this with me and the
>>>> list.
>>>1. allow smtp traffic from your network to your smtp server
>>>2. block smtp traffic from your network to other smtp servers.
>>>3. install authentication system on smtp server.
>>>sounds like logical solution.
>>>or control relaying by setting ip addresses and not networks.
>> Tomas,
>> I'm looking for a per-user solution, not a whole mail server solution. I
>> have many different groups of people on my server, in different offices,
>> and only a handful (like 50 or so) need to have restrictions placed on
>> who they can email to and receive mail from. I am looking for a way to
>> make some users only able to send/receive mail to/from certain domains.
>> It sounds simple, right?
>> Controlling relaying won't work for us as we use DHCP, so it would be
>> very difficult to isolate these users by IP address as to whether they
>> could send mail to the Internet or not. Also, that only restricts
>> sending email to the Internet, not receiving mail from the Internet.
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