Hi all, I have a problem with courier-imap with squirrelmail when installing qmail-ldap. When I creat a user with quota 100M. I log in with web mail (squirrelmail) and I see the quota = 100M. But when I change attribute "mailquotasize" in ldap (iplanet) to 200M (old value = 100*1048756 and new value = 200*048756), the quota in web not change, it's still 100M. I find that the file */Maildir/maildirsize not change. This file is: 104857600S,10000C 5657 6 533 1 1378 1
When I manual change value 104875600S to another vulue, it effect in webmail. Why courier-imap don't update value in /*/maildirsize? Can anyone help me? Any solution for this? Thank all very much!!!! Hung