On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 07:25:51PM +0530, Ajay Nawani wrote:
> Dear Sameer,
> What's solution to implement a frontend server because mx1.hello.com simply
> accept all the mails and then forward to pop.hello.com and then
> pop.hello.com reject non-exist mail-ids.
> I want to reject non-exist mail-ids at mx1.hello.com itself.

I use asmtpd [1] to solve a setup similar to yours.
asmtpd is an aggresive antispam SMTP server (it runs instead 
of tcpserver on port 25), you can hook an _arbitrary_ check 
at SMTP time using shell scripts.
It's highly configurable (from RFC complaint to antiSPAM paranoid),
and very verbose in logging (if you want).

Some days ago I posted my configs to a local mlist (mainly because I hadn't find
any useful example for qmail-ldap+asmtpd on the net):


, it's in spanish, but the configs are LANG agnostic ;)

You'll find the "main" rcpt check I use in /etc/avenger/default as:
        FOUND=$(/var/qmail/bin/qmail-ldaplookup -m "$RECIPIENT")
        test $? -ne 0 && defer Temporary error in ldapsearch
        case "$FOUND" in
                *Found*entr*) ;;
                *) reject "User unknown, bye";;

In your setup you may need to replace the comfortable qmail-ldaplookup with
a specific ldapsearch, eg:
        ldapsearch <...> 
"(|(mail=$RECIPIENT)(mailAlternateAddress=$RECIPIENT))' dn

#  Juan Jose Ciarlante (JuanJo) jjo ;at; mendoza.gov.ar                     #
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