On 02/03/2010 06:15 AM, Scott Ryan wrote:
I too migrated to Zimbra for more or less the same / similar reasons.
One of the mail reasons for me migrating was that email has changed
too dramatically over the last five years, with special consideration
to storage and storage management. Offering 1.5m users 1Gb+ mailboxes
cost effectively could never be possible with qmail-ldap. It was a
good qmail-ldap 6 years while it lasted though.

Hello Ryan,

I was wondering why do you state that Qmail-LDAP is no longer cost effective in terms of storage, for systems with a big number of users and big mailboxes.


Hugo Monteiro.

fct.unl.pt:~# cat .signature

Hugo Monteiro
Email    : hugo.monte...@fct.unl.pt
Telefone : +351 212948300 Ext.15307
Web      : http://hmonteiro.net

Divisão de Informática
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
                   Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre   2829-516 Caparica   Portugal
Telefone: +351 212948596   Fax: +351 212948548
www.ci.fct.unl.pt             ap...@fct.unl.pt

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