Dear list users, i am building my server (saslauthd,openldap,qmail) in order to get those services integrated. I am using openldap not only to qmail but to let users log in my unix server. My ideia is to get a single source of login/password. So i implemented a SSO solutions. Unix users open a unix session and from them can log in into any other server without providing a login/password again.
Some application, does not supporte support SSO (like ftpd) and ask for a login/password. When this happens the password is fetched from the kerberos base. While i cannot have a full SSO deployed, at least i can keep up with a single source of password, it is better than the tradicional approach of one password for each system that an user want to use. By reading life with qmail, session "4.5 Fillling the Directory" the attribute userPassword is: userPassword: {MD5}X03MO1qnZdYdgyfeuILPmQ== I would not like this approach, because the user specified by the entry already have a password in kerberos. Is there a mean by which i could tell: "Hey, lookup for the password at xxxx.yyy.zzzz ? In another words i want to avoid my users having to memorize more than one password. Thanks in advance.