Hi, sorry for the confusion, I mean qmail-ldap-1.03-20120221.patch.

Also I do not think it is an issue with the control/ldap settings
since with the past versions < 20120221 the qmail-ldaplookup  works
fine, I think something is missing/broken on qldap-filter.c.

What I am doing for testing (FreeBSD 9 amd64) is compiling the base of
qmail-ldap-1.03-20060201.patch plus this patches:

domain alias
http://kristof.bajnok.hu/qmail/qldap-domainalias.patch (domain alias)

multiple qmqpc servers (for ezml lists)

SRS support

my conf-cc looks like this:
cc -O2 -pipe -DLDAP_DEPRECATED -fno-strict-aliasing

and conf-ld
cc -s  -rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib

So far, version qmail-ldap-1.03-20060201 works fine with all this
patches, but now when trying to 'upgrade'/compile/test  version
qmail-ldap-1.03-20120221.patch using/sharing the same
/var/qmail/control, qmail-ldaplookup does not work.

Using only qmail-ldap-1.03-20120221.patch (no extra patches) compiles
fine but qmail-ldaplook fails again, doing a little debug/diff between
versions (2012 vs 2006)  I notice that qldap-filter.c on version 2012
change considerable and this is because the implementation of the
'domainalias'  patch:


I think that the implementation of the domain alias patch to the core
(for avoiding the -DDOMAIN_ALIAS) on version
qmail-ldap-1.03-20120221.patch is causing problems.

The ldiff that I use is something like:

dn: uid=t...@ejemplo.org,ou=ejemplo.org,ou=vusers,dc=inbox,dc=im
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: qmailUser
uid: t...@ejemplo.org
cn: test
sn: test
mail: t...@ejemplo.org
mailMessageStore: ejemplo.org/test
accountStatus: active
smtpThrottle: 7
mailQuotaSize: 2147483648
userPassword: {SSHA}bRfoHmTRZTXyVywVdunoncu9jWWx32G2
mailQuotaCount: 0

PS. On either version qmail-ldap-1.03-20120221.patch or
qmail-ldap-1.03-20060201-SRS.patch I edit the Makefile and modify the
auto_uids.c with something like this:

  mv auto_uids.c.tmp auto_uids.c

where auto_uids.c has this:

/* These values are hard-coded here, which looks bad until you *
 * realise that they're hard-coded in ${PORTSDIR}/?IDs anyway. */
/* $FreeBSD: ports/mail/qmail/files/patch-auto_uids-c-dist,v 1.1
2011/07/18 20:55:29 garga Exp $ */
int auto_uida = 81;
int auto_uidd = 82;
int auto_uidl = 83;
int auto_uido = 0;
int auto_uidp = 84;
int auto_uidq = 85;
int auto_uidr = 86;
int auto_uids = 87;
int auto_gidq = 82;
int auto_gidn = 81;

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Ismail YENIGUL
<ismail.yeni...@surgate.com> wrote:
> Hi Nicolas,
> First of all new patch is qmail-ldap-1.03-20120221.patch not
> qmail-ldap-1.03-20060201.patch
> I compiled both patch on FreeBSD & Linux without any problem.
> Can you please post here exact output and ldap ldiff about
> dom...@ejemplo.org
> Did you verify that control/ldap* settings are correct?
> Thanks
> Ismail YENIGUL
> Team Leader / Takım Lideri
> SurGATE Labs
> Phone :+90 216-4709423 | Mobile:+90 533 747 36 65
> SurGATE: West Coast Labs Premium Anti-Spam Certificated
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/surgate
> Blog: http://www.surgate.com/blog
> On 15.03.2012 15:41, Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas wrote:
>> Hi, after compiling qmail with the new patch qmail-ldap-1.03-20060201,
>> (freebsd) something seems to be broken on qldap-filter.c
>> when trying to run /var/qmail/bin/qmail-ldaplookup -m dom...@ejemplo.org
>> I get qmail-ldaplookup: fatal: qldap_filter: unspecified error
>> Any idea of how to fix this?
>> regards.

> nbari

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