Give a try to dovecot.

Use qmail-ldap only for SMTP, dovecot for POP/IMAP, both authenticate
using the same ldap but they use their own configurations.


On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 1:07 PM, Friedrich Locke
<> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> i am trying to run imap (i choose courier imap) and when i try to connect to
> it, all i got was:
> obsd# telnet obsd imap2
> Trying
> Connected to obsd.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> * BYE imaplogin expected exactly two arguments.
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> obsd#
> And what sounds strange is that i am running qmail-imap. qmail-imap/run is:
> #!/bin/sh
> exec 2>&1
> #
> # IMAP service: this script is for courier-imap
> #
> QMAIL="/var/qmail"
> ME="`head -1 $QMAIL/control/me`"
> if [ -e $QMAIL/control/defaultdelivery ]; then
>         ALIASEMPTY=`head -1 $QMAIL/control/defaultdelivery 2> /dev/null`
> else
>         ALIASEMPTY=`head -1 $QMAIL/control/aliasempty 2> /dev/null`
> fi
> # source the environemt in ./env
> eval `env - PATH=$PATH envdir ./env awk '\
>         BEGIN { for (i in ENVIRON) \
>                 if (i != "PATH") { \
>                         printf "export %s=\"%s\"\\n", i, ENVIRON[i] \
>                 } \
> # enforce some sane defaults
> COURIER=${COURIER:="/usr/local"}
> PBSTOOL=${PBSTOOL:="$QMAIL/bin/pbsadd"}
> if [ X${NOPBSR+"true"} = X"true" ]; then
>         unset PBSTOOL
> fi
> exec \
>         tcpserver -v -HRl $ME -x$QMAIL/control/qmail-imapd.cdb \
>             ${CONCURRENCY:+"-c$CONCURRENCY"} ${BACKLOG:+"-b$BACKLOG"} 0 imap
> \
>         $COURIER/sbin/imaplogin \
>         $QMAIL/bin/auth_imap ${PBSTOOL:+"-d$PBSTOOL"} \
>         $COURIER/bin/imapd "$ALIASEMPTY"
> May someone clarify what is happening ?
> Thank you for your time and cooperation.

> nbari

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