On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Philip Rhoades wrote:

> Hello all,
> - I've had a look at the docs and list postings but still can't work it out
> . .
> I have a private network with IP adresses 192.168.x.y and have installed
> qmail (Linux - RH5.2) on one machine ( and it delivers mail to
> users on this machine quite happily but I can't send mail to another machine
> ( - RH5.1+ Sendmail).
> There are CNAME error messages in the log whether I have named running or
> not and I've been messing around with trying to set it up to use UUCP and
> using virtual domains etc but still doesn't work.
> Is there a simple fix?

        Yes..  there's probably CNAME error messages for a reason.
Can you lookup the other machines via DNS?  Qmail uses DNS only, no


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