Heinz Wittenbecher writes:

> I'm still striving for mail client independence. What this means is that all
> mail for everyone will remain on the server and ideally I'd like the user to
> be able to use an imap client of his/her choosing from a PC of his/her
> choosing, i.e. a PC at work, PC from home, HPC from wherever.
> Some imap clients do store Sent mail on the server, but some still insist on
> keeping it local. I know that qmail can log all incoming and outgoing mail
> but that's a little overkill. What I'd like to do is filter a copy of a
> users outgoing mail to the users Sent mailbox on the server. I.e. a constant
> Bcc.

There's a web CGI server for maildir mailboxes that's currently in sort of
alpha-test mode.  It's not an IMAP server, the only way you can use it
would be via a browser.  The only reason I'm mentioning is because it puts
outgoing mail into the Sent folder automatically.

You can find out more about it at
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/5799/sqwebmail/; I should
mention that I'll have the next release out soon, so you may want to wait a
couple of days.

Also, be advised that it's still work in progress, so things like ease of
installation and maintenance may not be there for everyone.

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