Anand Buddhdev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Note for Dan: QSBMF relies on an English string "Hi. This is the". But
>English is not the only language in use around the 'net. What happens to
>those who want to use say German or French for their bounce message and
>still rely on QSBMF? The only way I can think of is to retain the English
>message, and tag the other language onto the English paragraph. This will
>be in keeping with QSBMF and yet provide support for another language.
>However, this would look messy, with the second language following English
>in the same paragraph, and possibly being missed. I am aware that most 'net
>users understand English, but it's wrong to assume everyone knows English,
>especially since more and more countries in the world join the 'net.

I'm not Dan, but the reason for keeping the message in English is the
same as reason for using English-only in protocol commands like HELO,
MAIL, RCPT, and DATA: interoperability. These are machine protocols,
and human-readability is secondary.


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