On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 08:34:00PM -0600, Mate Wierdl wrote:
> BTWY, if John wants to make rpm, perhaps he may want to consider the
> idea I wrote down about two weeks ago about how to make an rpm that
> would use idedit, but rpm could also be used to verify the whole
> package (including the "bad" binaries).  

Two things:

1) I understand and agree that a multiple-stage confirmation process
   is possible.  The argument against this is the disire to do 
   MD5 checksums against trusted read-only media.  I'm not saying
   I agree, just that this is the argument.

2) Ultimately, I've stopped caring about the ``issues'' surrounding
   rpm distribution of qmail.  In my mind, now, it's a matter of
   solving the problem and moving on.

John White
PGP Public Key: http://www.triceratops.com/john/public-key.pgp

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