At 05:38 AM 2/11/99 PST, Eric Dahnke wrote:
>What is the best way to get a snapshot of qmailīs current health.
>Currently I use ps and top and a perl script to see the size of the 
>queue. But there has got to be a better way.

Correct. There are *lots* of ways and they all boil down to one thing. Any 
system reaches a resource limit. Which resource depends on the nature of the 
system, but conceptually you need to monitor the resource that is next to 
be exceeded.

In the qmail case, assuming concurrency levels have been set commensurate 
with system resources, you need to monitor how often your system sits at the 
concurrency limits.

One way of doing this is to monitor the log entries of qmail and tcpserver 
and track how often the system is at the concurrency[local|remote] limits and 
how often it reaches the tcpserver -c limits. This is pretty triv with a 
simple awk/perl script - any decent programmer you hire should be able to do 

The other aspect that's not immediately apparent is the qmail-stat output 
and the number of todo entries. If this is large and increasing be, very, 
very worried.

>I looked at the archives, web site, and FAQ but didnīt see anything.
>What the hell is concurrency remote?

Erum, man qmail-control should give you a hint. But the bottom line is, if 
you don't know what this means you need to do a fair amount of homework to 
get up to speed.


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