On Mon, Dec 28, 1998 at 01:27:45AM -0500, Sam wrote:

> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
> char buffy[80];
> time_t t;
>    if (argc < 2)  return (1);
>    time(&t);
>    sprintf(buffy, "%ld.%ld", (long)t, (long)getpid());
>    execl("/bin/sh", "foo.sh", buffy, argv[1], (char *)0);
>    return (1);
> }
> And in foo.sh:
> cd $2 || exit 1
> h=`hostname`
> cat >tmp/$1.$h || exit 1
> exec mv tmp/$1.$h new/$1.$h

Why not just using the shell ?
I used the following bash script, together with some tiny c progs
(alarm, rewindstdin, fsync) to run a .qmail-default based virtual
domain setup.


from your .qmail:
| maildir.sh `return-path-to-maildir`

# usage (from dot-qmail):
#| alarm 86400 maildir.sh `return-path-to-maildir`

# Delivers a message from fd 0 to a maildir.
# Nearly maildir(5) compliant. Yes, you trust your little unix friends ...
# bash, cd, ln, rm, cat, date, sed, hostname, echo. Do you ?

# external programs.

# requires GNU date.

function tryunlink () { $rm -f $tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; }
function dieunlink () { tryunlink; exit $1; }

# install an ALRM signal handler.
trap 'echo "Timeout on maildir delivery. (#4.3.0)" >&2; tryunlink; exit 3' 14
trap 'tryunlink; exit 1' 2 3

# step one from maildir(5).
test -n $1 || exit 2
cd $1 || exit 2

# step two and three. get unique filname in tmp/

tmp="tmp/`$date +%s`.$$@$node"
while [ -f $tmp ]; do
  tmp="tmp/`$date +%s`.$$@$node"
  if [ $((i+=1)) -gt 2 ]
      echo "Cannot find unique filename in tmp" >&2
      exit 1
  sleep 2
new=`echo $tmp | $sed 's#tmp/#new/#'`

# step four. open file in tmp/
exec 4>$tmp || exit 1

# step 5: write the message. Can cat and echo do `NFS-writes' ...

# write Return Path and Delivered-To Header.
echo -n "$RPLINE$DTLINE" 1>&4 || dieunlink 1

# use this to test the ALRM signal handler.
# while true; do sleep 1; done

# write the message data.
$cat - 1>&4 || dieunlink 4

# fsync the message in tmp/
# /usr/local/bin/fsync 4 || dieunlink 1;
# close file in tmp/
exec 4>&-  || dieunlink 1

# step six (final): link tmp/ to new/
$ln $tmp $new || dieunlink 1

# OK. got it. try to unlink tmp/

exit 0

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