On Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 11:55:57AM -0500, Paul Farber wrote:
> Hello all, 
> What is the meaning of the Maildir/cur directory?  I have a user with 300
> messages and they are not in the Maildir/new, they are in Maildir/cur.
> What puts them into that dir?  He checks his mail with Netscape
> Communicator 4.x and and say's he download then every time he checks the
> mail.

>From man maildir:

       Files in cur are just like files in new.  The big  differ-
       ence  is  that  files  in cur are no longer new mail: they
       have been seen by the user's mail-reading program.

Your user has his client set to leave messages on the server, rather than
delete them.


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