Hello Marlon.

Tue 16 Feb 1999 20:06, Marlon Anthony Abao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > is it the proper behavior of qmail-pop3d not to give out mails as soon
 > as they get the user Maildirs?

 > however after a period of around 3-5 minutes, i get my mails.  so it
 > is no question that the pop3 server is working or not.

For some reason qmail-pop3d ignores mails dated in the future. Check the
time sync of your machines.

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
  Odinn Sørensen (Head of the mailserver division) / Image Scandinavia A/S
  Peter Bangs Vej 26, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
  Tlf. (+45) 38 14 70 00 - Fax (+45) 38 14 70 07

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