On Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 07:48:10PM +0100, Carles Latorre wrote:
> Hello, I hope someone could help me.
> I'm configuring a connection between an Exchange Server and
> a qmail server. I've installed serialmail and ucspi-tcp and I'm
> running qmail-smtpd from tcpserver -v.
> I also have created a /var/qmail/autoturn directory and changed
> it to the qmail group, and then I've granted it the 2755 permissions.
> I've continued as described in a documentation I've downloaded
> from the Internet, i.e., I've appended the line
> +autoturn-:qmaild:1115:500:/var/qmail/autoturn:-::
> and then I've runned the qmail-newu command. This didn't work:
> it returns me the following message:
> qmail-newu: fatal: bad format in users/assign

Does the last line of your users/assign file consist of a single period? It

>From man qmail-users:

       /var/qmail/users/assign  is  a  series of assignments, one
       per line.  It ends with a line containing  a  single  dot.
       Lines must not contain NUL.


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