On Wed, Feb 24, 1999 at 12:25:24AM +0800, Marlon Anthony Abao wrote:
> hello, 
>       am sure that this has been discussed here a gadzillion times, an i hope
> one more time would not be so bad :)
>       how does one go about limiting the number of recipients in the 'CC:" /
> "BCC:" fields?  i don't want any of my subscribers to spam to the outside
> world.
> at least this way, they would at least be discouraged to do so.

You can try patching qmail-smtpd to support tarpitting. This lets you insert a
delay after each recipient that the sender supplies after some set number of
recipients. If you insert, say, a five-second delay for each recipient after
the fiftieth, one of your users would have a hard time sending a message to
10,000 recipients. (This assumes that these messages are being injected by

See http://www.palomine.net/qmail/tarpit.html


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