On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Martin Green wrote:

> Hi all,
> A week or two ago, I posted a message asking if it was possible
> to rewrite outgoing mail.  The problem is that I belong to
> two organisations, with exclusive sets of recipients for each
> organisation.  I would like to ensure that an outgoing message
> always has the correct from address, based on which set the
> recipient belongs to.

Assuming that you're on unix and have access to perl and are using a mail 
client which can be told which program to run to inject mail, you could
make my tms (Tagged Message Sender) do this.  It was intended to
automatically generate tagged envelope addresses like on this message, but
you could make some minor changes to cause it to generate completely
different addresses instead.  See

> In other words
>       If I mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               - the message should be from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       If I mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               - the message should be from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Note that this should work for replies to - if fred mails me, and
> I reply, it must correctly drop in my 'fruitconsultants' ID.
> I am quite happy to maintain a mapping of recipient domains and
> the corresponding from addresses in an ascii file..
> --
> My last message generated a couple of replies, both stating a) that
> this is an MUA problem  b) I should look at Mutt and c) why on earth
> am I using Outlook...
> Well:
> a.  I don't believe it's an MUA problem, because the mapping as described
> applies to my assistant as much as myself, and maybe to other employees. 
> Moreover, I want the process automated.  Using a client that relies on my 
> remembering to switch identity before accessing messages is far too
> error-prone.
> b. I can't seem to find Mutt on the PC, and I don't want a character-mode
> client thanks.
> c. Even if outlook breaks every RFC in the book, it still has a semi-decent
> integrated contacts database, which I particularly appreciate.   
> --
> So - how do I modify the Qmail suite to allow me to examine the To address
> of an outgoing message and fixup the reply address??
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks 
> Martin Green

"Life is much too important to be taken seriously."
Thomas Erskine        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        (613) 998-2836

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