Is there a way to tell quickly the total number of messages in the

Also, I know there is a great number of messages in the queue, but when
I do:
ps ax|grep qmail

all I get is:

  280  ?  S    0:00 tcpserver -R -H -c20 0 pop-3
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup tao.
 5713  p3 S    0:00 grep qmail 
32644  ?  S    0:16 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/ 
32643  ?  S    0:36 splogger qmail 
32646  ?  S    0:07 qmail-clean 
32645  ?  S    0:09 qmail-rspawn 
32640  ?  S    1:04 qmail-send 

What is qmail doing? It doesn't seem to be working on the queue. I need
it to process the queue as quickly as possible.

Thank you,

Joel Shellman
knOcean Interactive Corporation

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