On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 02:33:32PM -0600, Mate Wierdl wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 07:36:42PM +0100, Bart Blanquart wrote:
> > Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:
> > 
> > > | > Is it true that the only way to deliver messages to usernames that
> > > | > contain dashes is to recompile qmail telling it to use a different
> > > | > escape character than -
> > > |
> > > | unless you're using the users/assign method for qmail to look up
> > > | users, which you probably should.
> > > 
> > > Have you tested this?  I haven't, but my reading of the code says
> > > qmail-getpw will deal with usernames with dashes in them just fine.
> > > (See my earlier message on this topic.)
> > 
> > 
> > It is possible to have users with dashes in their names. I've got a bunch of 
>those, and all works well (no user-spoofing like the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" vs. 
>"[EMAIL PROTECTED] with .qmail-something" mentioned before seems to be possible)
> I did not say spoofing.  The problem is that if both 
> eric-shogun 
> eric 
> exists on the system, eric might try to set up a mailinglist in 
> ~eric/.qmail-shogun
> but whenever he sends a message to the list, the message would end up in 
> ~eric-shogun/Mailbox.

I agree that that is a problem. But I don't see any easy solutions, apart from
prohibiting dashes in usernames. Do you?

Greetz, Peter.
.| Peter van Dijk           | <mo|VERWEG> stoned worden of coden
.| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | <mo|VERWEG> dat is de levensvraag
                            | <mo|VERWEG> coden of stoned worden
                            | <mo|VERWEG> stonend worden En coden
                            | <mo|VERWEG> hmm
                            | <mo|VERWEG> dan maar stoned worden en slashdot lezen:)

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