
I use qmail on my Internet Mail Gateways and it works fine. Now I want to
integrate a virus scanner into qmail.
The virus scanner comes with 2 diffrent interfaces.
As smtp sever, it listens on a port. When a connection comes in, it pipes the
smtp commands to an external program or a port on an other machine. When the
message body comes, it scans it for virus. If the body is ok, it hands it over
to the real smtp server. I can not connect the virus scanner to the smtp port,
because there is no spam control.
As filter it reads the mail from STDIN and the sender and receipients from the
command line (just like /bin/mail). It scans the mail for viruses and pipes it
to an external program (normaly /usr/lib/sendmail).
In both cases, I need a route which sends all mail through the virus scanner
and then to the receipient.
I though of having 2 qmail instances. The first sends all incoming mail to the
virus scanner. The virus scanner then invokes the second qmail instance, which
routes the mail to the receipient. But, this means I have to support 2
different configurations of qmail. And what about bounces ?

Does anybody have a better idea?


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