On 28-Dec-98 22:54:49, Samuel Dries-Daffner wrote something about "flushing queue". I 
just couldn't help replying to it, thus:
> I have lots of mail that seems stuck in my queue...how can I flush?

   The first thing to do is, of course, to find out why it is stuck, and fix
that problem. Once you've done that, use

        killall -ALRM qmail-send

to tell qmail to try to deliver it now.


| Rask Ingemann Lambertsen     | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Registered Phase5 developer  | WWW: http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c948374/   |
| A4000, 775 kkeys/s (RC5-64)  | "ThrustMe" on XPilot and EFnet IRC      |
|             Hard work may not kill me, but why take chances?           |

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