On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, Chris Garrigues wrote:
> Two problems Russ.
> 1) That URL doesn't get you to "eliminate-dups" since index.html is the page 
> that gives you a list of mirrors.
> 2) A minor bin in eliminate-dups:  you have to create the .older file by hand.
> Attached, you'll find the version of your script that I'm currently using.

And attached you'll find mine. It is based on Russ' original but uses
dbm hash file(s) instead of a text file.

Peter Samuel                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Consultant                        or at present:
Uniq Professional Services                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: +61 2 9206 3410                      Fax: +61 2 9281 1301

"If you kill all your unhappy customers, you'll only have happy ones left"
#! /pkgs/bin/perl

# Original by Russ Nelson. This version by Peter Samuel.
# This version uses a dbm file instead of a text file.

# Call from a .qmail file as follows:
#  |bin/eliminate-dups Mailbox

$hashname = shift;
$hashname = ".maildups" unless $hashname;

use MD5;
$md5 = new MD5;

$loose = 1;                     # loose matching if set.

while(<>) {
    last if /^$/;
    next if $ignore_continue && /^\s/;
    $ignore_continue = 0;
    if (/^received:/i) {
        $ignore_continue = 1;
    if (!$loose) {
        $headers .= $_;
    if ($keep_continue && /^\s/) {
        $headers .= $_;
    $keep_continue = 0;
    if (m/^(from|message-id|date):/i) {
        $headers .= $_;
        $keep_continue = 1;

$hash = $md5->hexdigest;

dbmopen(%HASH, "$hashname", 0644);

if (defined $HASH{$hash})
    # Message is a duplicate - goodbye


# Message is new, add its checksum to the list of seen messages

$now = time;
$HASH{$hash} = $now;

# Remove old entries

$ttl = 3600 * 24 * 7;                   # time to live - 7 days in seconds

for (keys %HASH)
    delete $HASH{$_} if (($now - $HASH{$_}) > $ttl);


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