On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 02:21:12PM -0500, Paul Watkins wrote:
> I'm operating a system that doesn't need the reliability that queueing
> affords - speed is all that counts, because after 10 minutes any email that
> hasn't gotten out is out-of-date and worthless - such is the unique nature
> of our system.  Since I've got to get out 10,000 emails in a few minutes,
> I'm finding that the hard disk is the massive bottleneck in achieving this.
> I'm running Solaris and am looking at the possibility of having the queue on
> tmpfs so it's in RAM.  Of course, on reboot or crash the directory structure
> would be gone.. how much of this directory structure does qmail expect to
> find, and how much of it will it create on the fly? Any other suggestions?
RAID 1+0, or Solid State Disk (SSD).

In the case of needing the queue to sync as quickly as possible, I'd 
look into SSD from Quantum as /var/qmail/queue.  Under $10K.

John White     johnjohn
PGP Public Key: http://www.triceratops.com/john/public-key.pgp

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