On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Czeh Istvan wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm running qmail-smtpd from xinetd, and now I need to allow SMTP relay for
> the localhost.
> I've read FAQ 5.4, and I configured xinetd like this:
> service smtp
> {
>  socket_type     = stream
>  protocol        = tcp
>  wait            = no
>  instances       = 32
>  flags           = REUSE
>  user            = qmaild
>  server          = /usr/sbin/tcpd
>  server_args     = /usr/local/qmail/bin/tcp-env /usr/local/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> }
> In /etc/hosts.allow the RELAYCLIENT has been set:
> tcp-env: , : setenv RELAYCLIENT
> After all this if I try to telnet to the smtp port, qmail-smtpd doesn't
> respond:
> % telnet localhost 25
> Trying
> Connected to hal2000.hal.vein.hu.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> ^]
> telnet>

        tcpd doesn't work as-is w/ xinetd.

        tcpd relies on tcpd's ability to let you define argv[0].
xinetd defines this for you.

        The easiest "fix" is to advance the argv pointer (argv++;) in
the main() function for tcpd, to get rid of of argv[0].  I've been
running tcpd under xinetd like that for years now.


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