  First of all, my apologies if you have received this twice.

 I have just finished setting up a qmail system here.
 The system is supposed to handle quite a lot of users
 (mail-only) so I decided to use the mysql patch to manage
 all the accounts using a mySQL database, and use a single
 uid for the pop-boxes themselves. Ok, so everything works
 fine, until...Someone tries to logon on with a user that
 doesn't exist. Fex:

 telnet localhost 110
 USER bozo
 PASS theclown
 -ERR aack, child crashed
 Connection closed by foreign host.

 And it core dumps inside the control directory.
 qmail-getpw just returns the alias user for non-existant users,
 so I guess that's ok. Users that exist work just fine.

 Can anyone offer any insight/help on this?


-- Omer
| A bus station is where a bus stops.  A train    | Omer Efraim             |
| station is where a train stops.  On my desk I   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| have work station...       -Author Unknown      |                         |

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