On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 04:42:42PM +1100, Richard Antecki wrote:
> Forgive me for my stupidity, but can you please explain how this can be
> done?

This is an extract from proftpd menual:
Syntax: DefaultRoot directory [group-expression]
Default: DefaultRoot /
Context: server config,<VirtualHost>
Compatibility: 0.99.0pl7 and later

The DefaultRoot directive controls the default root directory assigned
to a user upon login. If DefaultRoot is set to a directory other than
"/", a chroot operation is performed immediately after a client authenticates. 
This can be used to effectively isolate the client from a portion of the 
host system filespace. The specified root directory must begin with a / or 
can be the magic character '~'; meaning that the client is chroot jailed 
into their home directory. If the DefaultRoot directive specifies a 
directory which disallows access to the logged-in user's home directory, the
user's current working directory after login is set to the DefaultRoot 
instead of their normal home directory. DefaultRoot cannot be used in 
<Anonymous> configuration blocks, as the <Anonymous> directive explicitly
contains a root directory used for Anonymous logins.
so, if you have a line in your /etc/proftpd reading:
DefaultRoot                     ~/public_html ftpusers,!wheel

thouse who belong to ftpusers will be chroot jailed to ~/public_html, thouse
who belong to group whell will not.

hope this helps.

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