Text written by xs at 01:18 PM 3/15/99 -0500:
>so for each message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it is delivered to those three
>people, what i would like to do is have every other message goto
>every other person, so msg1 goes to tech1, msg2 goes to tech2, msg3 goes
>to tech3, msg4 goes to tech1, and so on...

My quickie solution would be something like this (untested code follows!):


tail +2 name-list > name-list.tmp
head -1 name-list >> name-list.tmp
mv -f name-list.tmp name-list
head -1 name-list > /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-support
echo "|/usr/local/bin/rotate" >> /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-support

So if you want to add a new person, you just append their name to
name-list. Each time a mail is delivered, the name at the top of the list
is moved to the bottom and everyone else moves up one.

I'm not sure where you'd rather keep name-list, hence the lack of path
information on that file.

                             Kai MacTane
                         System Administrator
                      Online Partners.com, Inc.
>From the Jargon File: (v4.0.0, 25 Jul 1996)

copious free time /n./ 

1. [used ironically to indicate the speaker's lack of the quantity in
question] A mythical schedule slot for accomplishing tasks held to be
unlikely or impossible. Sometimes used to indicate that the speaker
is interested in accomplishing the task, but believes that the oppor-
tunity will not arise... 2. [Archly] Time reserved for bogus or
otherwise idiotic tasks, such as implementation of chrome, or the
stroking of suits.

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