Peter van Dijk wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 11:03:23PM +0000, Robin Bowes wrote:
> > A test.
> Depending on what you're trying, I think it did :)


I'm testing my mailing list <--> newsgroup gateway.

I *think* I've just about got to the bottom of it, except the program I
use to re-write messages ready for posting to my newsgroup is completely
broken.  I am using DNews 5.0f on Linux 2.2.2ac7 which comes with a
program called drobot.

Anyone got any better suggestions?  I've seen mention of mail2new and
newsgate - any good?

Two rules to success in life: 
  1. Don't tell people everything you know.
     -- Sassan Tat

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