On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 10:53:14PM +0800, Marlon Anthony Abao wrote:
> please forgive my ignorance, but how do you bind a service to a specific ip
> address using tcpserver?  i also want to run multiple instances of qmail on
> the same machine.

man tcpserver.

       tcpserver - accept incoming TCP connections

       tcpserver  [ -1pPhHrRoOdDqQv ] [ -climit ] [ -xrules.cdb ]
       [ -Bbanner ] [ -ggid ] [ -uuid ] [ -bbacklog ] [  -llocal-
       name ] [ -ttimeout ] host port program [ arg ...  ]

       tcpserver  waits  for  connections  from TCP clients.  For
       each connection, it runs program with the given arguments,
       with  descriptor 0 reading from the network and descriptor
       1 writing to the network.

       The server's address is given by host and port.  host  can
       be  0, allowing connections from any host; or a particular
       IP address, allowing connections only to that address;  or
       a  host name, allowing connections to the first IP address
       for that host.


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