On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 11:00:08AM -0500, Jean Caron wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just wondering how much is involved in creating a "unique" bounce message
> for a specific user. I wouldn't want to damage the regular process, just
> had to it. Basically, if John Doe sends a message to a valid address,
> bounce it anyway using this "modified" version of the bounce text/message.

It depends on whether you want to append a specific message to the usual
bounce message generated by qmail, or generate a completely different
bounce message.

For the former, stick this into a .qmail file for the valid address:

|bouncesaying "some specific message" [ "$SENDER" = "John.Doe@whatever" ]

This will return a normal qmail bounce ("Hi. This is the ...") to John Doe,
with "some specific message" as the reason for the bounce.

If you want to construct a completely specific bounce message, then you'll
have to check if the sender is John Doe, and inject a *new* message to him,
with a null envelope sender, and a From: header of [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and consisting of a body of your choice. Something in .qmail like:

|if [ "$SENDER" = "John.Doe@whatever" ] then; (echo "From:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; echo ""; echo body) | qmail-inject -f '';fi

This is not tested code, just a pointer to how it can be done.

System Administrator
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