In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> I have a Qmail 1.03 system running for POP3 users.
> These users are created as popusers (with linuxconf) on a RedHat 5.1
> system.
> I'd like a bit more handy quota inforcement system than the ordinary
> quota on Linux.
> I have been looking into by Paul Gregg. 
> What are the alternatives?

You'd need to describe your own setup a little more clearly.

*If* you permit each user to be in control of their own .qmail- delivery
control files then the only quota option you have at your disposal is the
system quota.  If not, then you can use my script.  I wrote it in sh so it
could be used by all systems (not perl dependant), though I really should
knock out a perl version.

I don't know of any other available quota systems for qmail.

Good luck.

Email pgregg at | Email pgregg at    | Eight out of every
Technical Director        | System Administrator       | five people are math
The Internet Business Ltd | Nyx Public Access Internet | illiterates.      |         |             - Anon.

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