
there where several people asking how one could do this, here ist one possible 
solution. I use the script found on http://satan.oih.rwth-aachen.de/AMaViS/ 
and a software called AntiVir (http://www.antivir.de). The script is included, 
sorry about the length. The script is 0.2.0pre1, I didn't switched to pre2 
until now. BTW, I did documented what I've done in the script, sorry about the 

What happens is somewhat simple: run every mail that will be delivered to a 
user through the script; if it malicious, stop and don't deliver the mail:

catchall@lingo ~ % cat .qmail
| /usr/sbin/scanmails $SENDER $RECIPIENT

The things I changed in the script are the positional parameters and the exit 
code in case a virus was found. If a virus was found the mail is copied 
somewhere. Here is a little problem with qmail, as it runs with the uid of the 
receipient. My solution to this is the following:

root@lingo /home/antivirus # ls -l
total 3
drwx------   5 antiviru antiviru     1024 Jan 28 01:18 Maildir
drwx----wt   2 antiviru antiviru     1024 Feb 23 21:04 mailvirus
drwxr-xr-x   2 antiviru antiviru     1024 Jan 28 01:18 public_html

I did something similar for the logfile, but it seems as if this is not 
necessary, don't remember why I did it...

root@lingo /home/antivirus # ls -ld /var/log/scanmails/
drwx----wt   2 root     root         1024 Jan 28 02:44 /var/log/scanmails/

root@lingo /home/antivirus # ls -l /var/log/scanmails/
total 663
-rw-----w-   1 root     root       673943 Mar 28 05:05 logfile

I'm sure there was a reason :-)

I know that all this is far away from being perfect and idiot proof, but at 
least on a system without users access to there .qmail files it works ok. I'd 
be interested to see a solution that checks the mail more centralized wihout 
the need to use .qmail, and to also check all outgoing traffid. May be some of 
you knows what to do?

Have fun,



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