the proper way to do this in RH is through the program 'chkconfig'.
it would appear though that chkconfig does not like scripts with an extension
such as .init. took me a while to figure that one out. (this is on RH5.2)


Krzysztof Dabrowski wrote:

> At 22:56 99-03-29 -1000, Greg wrote:
> >
> >the script qmail-pop3d.init exists in the same place
> >as qmail-smtpd.init and qmail.init, but it doesn't start on
> >boot-up? I'm beginning to dislike the way RH "hides" stuff ;(
> >please have I missed something?
> Redhat doesn't hide anything.
> first cat your /etc/inittab and find a line with initdefault. something like:
> id:3:initdefault
> now you see that in my case, my default runlevel is 3.
> now just make a link from /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ to your init script
> and give it a name beginig with Sxxsomething , where xx is a valuer from 00
> to 99 (take 99 for example).
> And that's all.
> Kris

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Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
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