On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 12:55:58PM -0800, Rob Genovesi wrote:
> This fix seems like a perfectly good idea to me.  If the subject line is
> autmatically created by the Virus macro and then sending it out 50 times,
> rejecting these 50 messages would stop the propagation of the Virus.  Don't
> discount the effectiveness of this "fix" because of its simplicity.

The problem is that it's far from foolproof...there are already versions
of the virus that send out with blank subject lines, and I'm sure
there are other subject lines out there too.  So, the subject line
checking is next to useless...any self-respecting cracker would change the
thing around after they saw sendmail's "fix".  Even a script kiddie could
probably figure out how to change it.

Erik Nielsen, Cyberhighway Internet Services NOC
So I'm thinking about ??, or !!, or //, or \\, or whatever.  But I
think I like ?? the best so far.  Or the least worst.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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